Tuesday, 27 December 2016

How to Check Adhar Card Status at www.uidai.gov.in using EID Number ? Download Aadhar Card

As of now, We have Seen that How we can Get eaadhar at UIDAI. Now in this Post, we are Going to Provide you Step by step Guide to Check aadhar Card Status Online Using EID Number.

For those who Don't Know What is EID Number. EID Is Enrollment Identification Number. When we fill Aadhar Application form We have Given one Slip without EID number and Date and Time Given in the Slip for Future Use.

With the Help of EID Number, We can Check out Adhar Card Status Online After few Days of Filling Aadhar Application Form to Check Whether it is Generated or Not.

So, Let's see the Step by Step Process to check adhar Status Using EID Number.


Download Aadhar Card 

  • In the First Step Fill Up the Aadhar Application Form at Your Nearest Aadhar Card Kendra. (They will Give you Application Number after Filling up Application Form) 
  • Now You have your EID and Aadhar Number.
  • Select Aadhar Number or EID then Enter Captcha.
  • Then Click on Check Status and BOOM you will Get Your Aadhar Card Status.

How to check Aadhar status through India Post?

The status of delivery for your Aadhar Card can be tracked online on the official website of India Post. With the help of the facilities offered by UIDAI, you can get the Aadhar card delivered to your house at no cost. After you are done with the enrollment of the Aadhar Card at the Aadhar center, the Aadhar Card will be dispersed and sent to you at your residential address within a period of 60 days to 90 days. You may also check the delivery status of your Aadhar Card using the Aadhar number at any India Post Office.

Aadhar Delivery Status can also be checked by going on the official website of India Post. All you need to do on the website is enter the Aadhar Enrolment Number, time and date of enrollment. The delivery status for your Aadhar Card will be shown on the screen after you enter these details.

NOTE - Due to the increase in the number of Aadhaar card holders in the country the RBI has advised banks to include infrastructure for biometric authentication of ATM transactions. The new infrastructure will be put in place to increase the security of transactions done through these machines. This decision has gained more importance due to the recent cyber-attack which affected approximately 35 lakh debits cards across 21 banks. The two-factor mechanism for authentication of transactions will help prevent further such attacks and will take users a step closer to cashless transactions. We will know of the success of this decision when banks release their new machines a new year.

Monday, 26 December 2016

What is E-aadhar ? How to download eaadhar card at UIDAI ?

What is E-aadhar ?

E-adhar is Digital Version of Aadhar Card. When you fill up the Aadhar Application form at Aadhar card Kendra then After 90 Days You will get your Physical Aadhar Card via Post. But before that, If you want to Get your aadhar You can get e-aadhar at UIDAI.

You can now download an electronic version of your Aadhaar. E-Aadhaar is as valid as the original Aadhaar Card letter and can be downloaded on submitting your Aadhaar or the enrolment ID (found on the Enrolment slip given to you at the time of enrollment).

So, Now you know What is Eaadhar. Now if you have your EID Number and Want to Download your Eaadhar Check out This Simple Process and Repeat it to Download Eaadhar.

How to download eaadhar card at UIDAI?

  • Log onto resident uidai
  • Enter the 28 digit Enrollment ID provided at the time of enrollment on their Enrollments lips. If the resident has forgotten/lost their Enrollment ID then they can approach the Nodal officers in that district who have access to the Online Aadhaar search portal through which they can find their Enrollment ID.
  • Enter the Name & Pincode and press submit. 
  • The next screen displays the last four digits of the registered mobile number if the same has been provided at the time of the enrollment to send an OTP (One Time Password).
  • If the mobile number is not provided during the time of enrollment capture the mobile number from the resident to send an OTP (One Time Password). 
  • Enter the OTP (One Time Password) received on the resident’s Mobile and press submit.
  • A download button will be displayed and by clicking it e-Aadhaar is generated in pdf format. 
  • The e-Aadhaar in the pdf format is password protected and the password is the Pincode of the resident provided at the time of enrollment. 
  • Enter the password and open the e-Aadhaar form and print if required.
So, This is the Simple Process to Download Aadhar Card at www.uidai.gov.in
If you have any Doubts kindly Comment down We will Solve all your Queries as soon as possible.

Sunday, 25 December 2016

Why Aadhar Card is Very Important ID Proof In India ?

Aadhaar program was launched in 2009 with the main objective to give universal identity to every resident Indian. However in the initial stages of enrolment people faced a lot of difficulties such as technical snags, incorrect data displayed etc. and also the importance of Aadhaar card was unclear. But many of the issues were resolved and people can now get the card with much ease as its acceptance as a mandatory document for various initiatives has been officially made.

Nowadays We can Feel up Aadhar Application form Online and Check adhar card Status Online after Filing Application. UIDAI an Indian Agency that is handling aadhar Card is Providing Digital aadhar card Called as eaadhar Online easily.

We have seen one Issue that After getting e-aadhar Online There are many Mistakes in the Adhar Card. If this Happen with you then Don't worry Now you can also Make Changes in Aadhar Card and Update Aadhar card Online and Offline also.

The Aadhar Enabled Service Delivery is a subproject of the  Unique Identification Authority of India as a part of the Planning Commission that aims at centralizing identity maintenance and validation. The goal is to create one identity for all the essential services which enables an easier way to attain an individual's identity.

Here are Some Benefits of Aadhar Card in Regular Life

Aadhar Benefits 

  • Aadhaar based Direct Benefit Transfer (LPG Subsidy): The 12 digit individual identification number on Aadhar card is used to get LPG subsidy amount directly in the bank account. This DBTL scheme is named as PAHAL. To get this benefit you need to visit your area’s distributor and get Aadhar number linked to the 17 digit LPG consumer number. Although now you can get direct benefit transfer by linking a bank account to the LPG number. 

  • Digital Locker: Government of India has launched digital locker (DigiLocker) system for everyone for storing all personal document on the government’s server. And the sign-up process for DigiLocker requires a person to link his/her 12 digit Aadhaar card number.

  • Opening new bank account: Aadhaar letter provided by UIDAI is now acceptable by banks as a valid proof to open a bank account. In fact, it can serve as an address proof as well provided an address on Aadhaar card and address proof perfectly matches. i.e. no need to produce a bunch of documents to the banks for opening the account.